
About Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy is an energy medicine; An energetic blueprint of plants, minerals or substances.  There is much insight nowadays, into the fourth stage of water and that water has a memory.  The work of Veda Austin highlights this in her photographs.  There have been several studies into nano particles and string theory which may shed more of a scientific understanding of homeopathy. 

In experiment’s conducted by research physicists in the 1990’s, it was found that human emotions changed the shape of DNA without physically touching it.

The remedies create an effect in the vital force - the energy that flows from our souls to our physical body and all the layers in between. I will often speak about the energy within our etheric layer, the spiritual blueprint of our physical bodies, like an in-between: The soul/astral layer, mental layer, emotional layer and etheric, holding the body memory or cellular memory of all the previous unresolved griefs and traumas, that then manifest in the physical body.

The correct remedy or remedies in a followed pattern (there is not always only one nowadays) will act as a catalyst to begin to create a release, often it is the remedies in a higher potency or higher/finer vibration that can act quickly and can begin to undo unresolved inner conflict, pain and ‘dis-ease’ aiding a powerful shift in wellbeing health and emotional ease.

Regaining what was given away or lost or forgotten through life experience.  The regathering of the self and all its personal power inner connection and spiritual ease.



The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our universe and emotion is the key to tapping into that field
— Gregg Braden - The Divine Matrix
Homeopathy is a dynamic energy medicine to assist the mind, body and spirit
— Gandhi


In-person appointments

At the Yellow Door Therapies, Ashburton, Devon - A sanctuary for holistic care.

Learn more

Online appointments

A safe, confidential and easy-going space over Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.


inner Journey’s

Meditation and visualisation, creating inner change and greater spiritual connection.

(Coming Soon)

Homeopathy Can be helpful when:

  • A natural or non-toxic medicine is desired for you or your child.

  • Your test results are normal, but you still feel unwell.

  • When you wish to address new or old emotional patterns or wish to do greater ‘work on yourself’.

  • When you are pregnant and do not want to take drugs.

  • When there is no conventional treatment, or nothing has worked.

  • You are at a crossroads in life and are stuck or need a catalyst to shift you to a new level of inner awareness health and wellbeing.

I can you support you or your child alongside allopathic (conventional medicine) or support you fully with any holistic lifestyle.

I have experience in treating PMT/Hormone imbalance, Thyroid disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Sexual abuse recovery in Men and Women, PTSD, Migraine, Digestive Disorders, Skin and structural disorders; Children’s night terrors, learning delay, ADHD, Autism, recurrent infection’s sinus lungs etc, ME, Fibromyalgia, Spiritual Crisis or Spiritual emergency.

Herbal support & Detoxification

In addition to homeopathic medicine, herbal supports can be effectively used to aid in detoxification. Specific herbs can support liver and lymphatic function, bolstering the immune system and helping to reduce inflammation. Laura can also utilize supplements designed to assist with heavy metal detoxification, as well as the removal of mould and yeast, to further enhance overall health and wellness.