Your Consultation

Your consultation will last an hour.  You will be given a safe and relaxed space to discuss your symptoms. Long term conditions and deeper emotional and mental stress will need longer than one treatment and there is usually a 6-8 week gap between appointments. See it as a journey together, as we peel back the layers, like an onion ring, and you begin to shed old patterns conscious, or unconscious that inhibit your well-being and health. With each prescription greater insights are revealed, like a new harmonic within your energy leading to a new level of self awareness, greater emotional well-being and a physical re-balancing.

Moving forward

Together we will look at your personality, emotional patterns, and what truly drives and sustains you. Together, we will examine how you express yourself—or perhaps where you may feel constrained. Are you feeling stuck, repeating old patterns in your internal dialogue, relationships, or health? We'll explore how fulfilled you are and identify childhood traumas or unresolved grief stored within your cellular memory that may still impact you today. Additionally, we'll consider the influence of ancestral trauma—unexpressed burdens passed down through generations, imprinted in your energy matrix and DNA. These energetic echoes, carried from birth or possibly past lives, the more we clear within ourselves the lighter we become and the less our children inherit. There is no greater spiritual path than healing your ancestral line, freeing future generations, and contributing to the collective healing of humanity. We also will look at dreams, appetite and a detailed medical history.

Treatment plan

I will often use a combination of homeopathic remedies, organ supports, flower essences, herbal supports and supplements.

What can you expect:

For some the change can be quite rapid, and for others it can be slower - or there can be a temporary healing crisis. This usually happens with an intensifying of emotion, old dreams returning or a worsening of physical symptoms before they begin to improve. It means the remedies are working, and have stimulated a healing response, the bodies own natural ability to self-heal. You may have cold symptoms, or a change/increase in your bowels - your body holds an innate intelligence we are only just beginning to understand or remember. A letting go of what no longer serves you, or something holding you back.

To truly heal we need to stand fully in our shadow, before we can shine our brightest light.